Soon I will truly be a quilter in a strange land, but currently the strangeness is that the rest of the family (husband and 2 sons) have already moved to Pennsylvania, USA, leaving me behind in the UK for a few more weeks. I would like to be able to say I am making the most of this "quiet" time by quilting to my heart's desire, but the reality is that I am doing the final packing up of our belongings both at home and at work. My thanks to John & John for all their help at the factory in moving the big stuff around for me and reducing my workload.
Aiding me at home are my two feline quilt inspectors (QIs), Smokey & Rocky, who think that every box is for them to sit in, every load of laundry for them to sleep in and that the main purpose of my existence is to feed them.
Smokey pretending that none of the chaos exists |
Rocky in a rare sociable moment |
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