Saturday, 3 September 2022

Getting "Guilt Quilts" off the list

Guilt quilts - those quilts you have started, made a fair bit of progress and then just put to one side because something different and metaphorically shinier grabbed your attention. I am pretty sure I am not the only one with this type of project "resting" patiently until that little nagging voice says "you really should finish X (and maybe Y) before starting anything else".

2022 has seen me get a couple of guilt quilts finished and not being weighed down by them is lovely.  I have finished some newer projects too which gives me a feeling of moving forward, not just catching up.  Now at the top of the list is a quilt started back in 2018, that has been delayed both by me, due to inertia, and the recipient as life threw some spanners in the works there.  However it has come out of its storage box, I have assessed the stock of fabrics for it, twiddled away on EQ8 refining the design a little, remeasured the stock of fabrics and now I am ready to work on it again.

Currently it is a stack of blocks that need trimming to an even size and then having sashing cut to suit, after that setting triangles and borders are required, nothing desperately complicated but it all has to be done....  

41 blocks ready to trim

My One Monthly Goal for September is to reach flimsy stage so that the recipient can check it for size before we commit to the quilting.

August also saw my version of Blueberry Hill reach completion, the last binding stitches went in on Monday 28th and then it had to wait a day or two for a good drying day before it went through the washing machine.

Blueberry Hill

Concentric circle quilting

Backing is Strawberry Thief by William Morris

Saturday, 27 August 2022

Finished and beribboned!

At the beginning of the month I was aiming to get my Orca Bay quilt completed that I had started back in 2012 the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.  A trip to my LQS yielded a quirky fabric for the binding and out of the excess backing I made a hanging sleeve.  Over a few evenings I did the necessary hand sewing, threw it in the washer and then hung it out to dry on my line - I'm trying to be a bit greener over the summer while I can dry laundry outside in the fresh air, and it smells so good!

I used plenty of pegs along the top so that it didn't get pulled out of shape

Much easier to see the quilting after going through the wash

That lovely Australian fabric in place as the binding

I do love the way the quilting becomes more visible after the crinkling in the wash, also there had still been a few little spots of blue washout marker in evidence after I had blotted them with a wet cotton wool ball - a prewash with no detergent followed by a gentle wash with just a little liquid detergent sorted them out.

At this point I had sent off my cheque to exhibit at the Grange Fair and anxiously waited to see if it got cashed - the proof that my entry had been accepted. It was duly cashed and on the Thursday I duly took my baby in and handed it over with some trepidation. By this point my husband had generously given me the mother and father of all colds and I had no energy to head over on the Friday evening or Saturday to see if my quilt placed, however various of my quilt guild friends did go to the fair and let me know that not just had I placed but had TWO ribbons!  I was well chuffed!

First place in class and Judges Choice too! Photo courtesy Becky S.

All the effort to add the hanging sleeve and it gets put up with binder clips 😂Photo courtesy Becky S.

Today, Saturday 27th, I was finally feeling up to a trip out to see it in person, and will be heading back to pick it up this evening. My One Monthly Goal for August was met and with great satisfaction too.

While stuck at home with the stinking cold I finished quilting the circles on Blueberry Hill and my generous husband drove me out to get the necessary binding fabric. Smokey is now helping me hand sew the binding down.


Monday, 1 August 2022

Ten years in the making

Here is my version of Bonnie Hunter's 2011 Mystery Quilt Orca Bay, which I started in 2012 and picked up from Sheila at Longarm Love just over a week ago.  I am really pleased with her quilting and she stay-stitched around the edge making my trimming job so much easier. 

Orca Bay, quilted

This weekend just gone I drove over to Stitch Your Art Out, my LQS, and bought the binding fabric. I didn't want plain black, but was looking for something with some pops of colour in it and this Australian fabric looked just right to me as there is enough blue and yellow to bring those colours out, but the other colours are not overwhelming.  It will interesting to see the final effect.

Binding fabric

The binding strips have been cut, joined and pressed, I have prepared a hanging sleeve from some of the surplus backing fabric (my own snow dyeing, with inadvertent speckles of dye - oops!) as I am pondering entering the finished quilt into our Grange Fair (county fair).  If I am going to do that it has to be finished by 17th August, so getting it all done is my One Monthly Goal for August 2022.

Snow dyed backing shows the quilting a little more clearly
Hanging sleeve and binding ready to sew on

Also under the needle this month will be my Blueberry Hill quilt (another pattern from Villa Rosa Designs, but enlarged a bit) as that is a gift I would like to be able to give sooner rather than later.  I love Villa Rosa's little postcard sized patterns.

Blueberry Hill has not progressed since the 24th of April

Other than that I hope to get some of my smaller flimsies quilted and maybe bound too as I still have one big project waiting patiently for my attention, there is knitting on the needles too, but that will get worked on when I have to travel for work, it is ideal for keeping me busy at airports, on aeroplanes and in hotel rooms.

Sunday, 31 July 2022

Oh hey, look another quilt (or two) to make!

A couple of months ago we discovered that one of my knitting friends, who is married to one of my husband's colleagues, was pregnant and due in December. The next news was TWINS! So not just one baby quilt to make but two, and with a somewhat hazy make-by date.  This last week I started in on these, also last weekend I picked up my Orca Bay from the longarmer so that needs binding and labelling, and maybe a hanging sleeve because I might, just might enter it into our local show, thus my list of WIPs is growing faster than I am clearing them off.

I am at least making completed quilt tops for the most part, here are the most recent:

Rainbow Crumbs which I showed in progress earlier in the month - this is a Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt at 42" square.

Giant Triple Treat, made with oversize blocks for Bonnie Hunter's 2022 Leader and Ender Challenge

My "Sew Charmed" table runner, kit bought at Las Colchas in San Antonio, pattern by Villa Rosa Designs

You can just see the backing of Orca Bay sneaking into that last photo too - more on that next time!

I am also trying to keep up with my Stash Buster blocks for 2022  - these are blocks 25 to 30 out of a planned 54, which will be enough for six 9 block quiltlets for Toys for Tots at the end of the year.

Of course at the same time as all this sewing has been happening the garden is starting to produce. Up until last week we had cukes and aubergines (eggplant), but this week the peppers and tomatoes are getting ripe enough to pick too.

Tasty Green cucumbers

Minime cucumbers

Oriental Eggplant

Peppers - various

Big tomatoes

Small tomatoes

Thursday, 14 July 2022

Cutting up fabric scraps seems to make more scraps

This month's colour on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is PURPLE and although I haven't done much this year in the other monthly colours this week I decided to pull out my purples and make a few 4½" crumb blocks. Once I'd made a few I counted up how many I had in each colour, realised I was short of orange blocks, made some more orange blocks and started in on a quilt top. Here are the first couple of rows...

...and the stacks of each colour with the sashing pieces to go with them and also my 1½" squares that are my current leader & ender project.

Of course once I had my rows all assembled I looked at my depleted tub of  1½" squares for the cornerstones and obviously did not have enough so started pulling out smaller pieces of fabric in the right colours - I only needed 9 little tiny squares in each colour, surely they wouldn't take long to cut? Wrong! Each small piece of fabric had to be selected, ironed, considered carefully to work out how efficiently it could be cut into a range of different sized squares and then finally cut into those pieces.  By the time my husband came home from work I still had two colours to go.  Those will get done tomorrow morning and then the quilt top won't take much time to finish...

Monday, 11 July 2022

Quilting smiles and tears

First the tears...

Last week my first and most important to me online quilting group lost a very dear friend. When I was a beginning quilter I was also active on Usenet, which shows my age, and I was welcomed into the fold of rec.crafts.textiles.quilting aka r.c.t.q This group covered the globe and I have many good friends from there, now mostly on facebook, the majority of whom I have never met. One of those early online friends was a forthright New Mexican lady called Sarah Curry, mostly known as Miz Sairey.  She was encouraging to me as a newbie and always inspired me to do my best. Sadly Miz Sairey left this world last week and I hope she is now somewhere enjoying talking "off topic" with a bunch of quilters while drinking a cold beer.  Other quilting friends have written their own tributes, here is Nann's.

RCTQ also has a history of making group quilts for members and others in need of a hug, because we were spread around the world and could not meet up to make these quilts or comfort those in need in person we mailed (and still do so) the blocks to a coordinator who made sure the whole thing happened as planned, the quilts became known as HUG quilts, or just HUGS.  With a HUG the whole is definitely greater than the parts and I have sent blocks in many times and also had the honour of being "hug mom" for two HUGS.  Miz Sairey put it all into words better than I ever could, and at the end she was wrapped in her HUG from many years back infused with the love of her r.c.t.q. friends.  Here is her description of a HUG as posted on RCTQ on Usenet over 20 years ago:

"This is the story of The HUG Quilt.

Reprinted with permission of Miss Sarah Curry, Taos NM:

I've been on long enough, folks (although NOT since the earth cooled, as some might think 🙂 ) to jump in here. Until recently, I thought I'd received the very first HUG-quilt (which is indeed ENORMOUS, and breathtakingly beautiful, and the source of a number of really close friendships). I wasn't, turns out. I was the recipient of the first quilt CALLED a "HUG", and the name stuck, somehow (well, it FITS!).

Magic Mike received the first quilt of the genre, and that's fitting, too. Mike has been under the weather of late (noticed the question about how he and Dave are doing tonight), but he's one of the true GIVE-ers or the Universe. And it's a lovely thing, that Mike received the first HUG-quilt.

Now. Although HUG-quilts are USUALLY because someone's having a hard time of it, one way or another (and each HUG is different, and for different reasons) (and after all, that's when HUGs are perhaps most important), there have been some just-for-fun ones, too.

And as I recall, first came Magic Mike's HUG (not called that, but the same principle) -- folks got together and made blocks (more often than not, we sorta do this "behind people's backs"), and gave Mike a quilt --in his case (I don't think he was ill, then, but I'd not got here, then), mostly to show just how much he was loved and appreciated.

Mine was next.

And then, one of our favorite people, Ruth Evans (others will have the links to this one -- I'm not the link-meister), who was one of everyone's favorites (and one of the really quiet ones -- she mostly hosted swaps, and didn't join in on the ng banter, although many, many of us corresponded with her, privately) posted that she had cancer. And we got together and made blocks for a HUG-quilt for Ruth, for her to take to chemo with her, and the like. This one wasn't a secret. We ASKED what colors she liked (hunter green, burgundy, and navy). And so many blocks poured in that there were simply too many for one quilt. The "Atlanta Bunch" (where the heck have Jean and Cher and the rest of that bunch been, lately, come to think of it?) assembled the blocks, into just a beautiful, beautiful quilt top. BUT. Before we even reached the deadline for submitting the blocks, Ruth Evans died. She was terribly young. She was a teacher, and she was a delight. We finished the quilt (Ruth's Quilt I (RQI) which has been given to her family), and finished the second quilt (RQ2), which we raffled on this newsgroup, and made over $3500 to donate to the charity Ruth barely had time to designate before she died (proceeds from RQ2 go to teachers for advanced education in Caldwell, Idaho).

Since then, there have been many HUGs. Some are complete quilts. Some are blocks for quilts. Some are very public (the James Byrd Reconciliation Quilt was one of those, as was the Columbine Quilt; bothhave links you can find). Some are very private.

And so. What is a HUG?

A HUG is bits of fabric put together with love and understanding – and sometimes, a serious case of stitching-out-the-pain, for some of us who cannot BE there to administer the real, personal HUGs. A HUG is one way (sometimes the only way we have, in this chunk of cyber-space, this big quilting bee many of us have depended on in ways we can never fully explain) to put our arms around someone (and each other); to reach out and say "I wish I could be there with/for you, in person, but I can't, and this will just have to do, at least for now." A HUG wraps the absolute Caring that goes on in this newsgroup into a tangible package for someone to touch, and feel, and cuddle down into when times are tough. Sometimes, a HUG is all we have, when words aren't enough.

Now, don't think for an instant that HUGs are ALL sadness and tragedy. Not by a long shot, they aren't. There's almost always a lot of LAUGHTER stitched into each HUG, and a lot of shared good-times. Lots of puns get worked into many of the HUG-blocks, and lots of the things we've just LEARNED about each other, from time to time. Lots of rainbows and butterfly wings and sunshine and flowers and just downright-silly-giggles, too.

There is an astonishing amount of POWER in a HUG, folks. Lightning and thunder and some really sharp edges and planes. Anger, sometimes, in a HUG. A good, clean kind of anger. A HUG is for Friendship and Family. A HUG helps with fear and pain. A HUG is for Laughter and good times and spinning around the room in a happy-dance.

A HUG is all the things quilters do, for all the reasons they do the things they do. But because mostly, quilters do what they do because they CARE so very deeply, and simply understand the perfect beauty of a HUG, the quilters here on RCTQ just HUG, from time to time.

Happy Trails, and many HUGs,


So now onto the smiles...

One of our quilting acronyms that may be used less now but was certainly a common term on RCTQ is S.E.X. or Stash Enhancement eXperience, or eXpedition - fabric shopping!

Last week I was away on business in San Antonio, Texas and oh boy was it hot for this Englishwoman! Outside of my work hours I did manage some S.E.X., visiting three LQS (local quilt shops) and enhanced my stash at each.  Here are my new acquisitions:


I visited Las Colchas, Mesquite Bean Fabrics and Memories By The Yard.  All made me feel most welcome and each had their own character and style so I was able to find different and pleasing things in each store.  I shall definitely be visiting again next time I am in San Antonio.

Thursday, 30 June 2022

I really must finish those socks...

-.. but hey look, a squirrel (chipmunk, groundhog, rabbit, hummingbird, blue jay, other crafts, car issues, gardening etc.etc.)  Excluding knitting this month has been unexpectedly productive as I have made a dress for me, a shirt for my husband, cut out a pair of shorts and a jacket for me too.  The first sock was finished on June 12th and I got the second one cast on pretty soon after that but then, as I said, I got distracted.  

Near the start of the month I went to Florida for work - that is when I got the first sock completed and thought I was doing well with plenty of time to get the second done by the end of June. But life had other ideas: our elder son came home for Father's Day weekend with us during which he was going to change the rear suspension strut in his car but it turned out he had a shock not a strut so borrowed our main car for the week and ordered the correct part, which UPS promptly lost in transit, so our trip to the Pittsburgh area last weekend did not involve swapping cars back over as expected. Nevertheless we did get together with elder son for his dad/my husband's birthday together with some friends we hadn't been over to see since before Christmas! As my car has an oil leak (part now in hand to fix that) we rented a car from Avis and I also had an upgrade code, so my husband came home last Friday in a Camaro for the weekend which he had lots of fun driving, but we both decided we would not want one for our daily driver.  While at the western end of the state I dropped of my Orca Bay quilt for edge-to-edge quilting with Sheila from Longarm Love, so we managed to get quite a lot packed into the weekend.  Normally I would knit in the car on this sort of journey but the ride in the rental was not conducive for me to do that this time without suffering from motion sickness.

This week the (replacement) right part arrived and the suspension is now fixed ready for elder son to come home for the holiday weekend and after that the correct vehicles will be in the correct places, but fingers crossed that the new seals and gasket sort out my Mini's fluid retention (or lack thereof) problem.

Our plants are doing well in the hydroponics system and we have baby peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers getting bigger each day now. The basil plants still need to go in or there will be no fresh pesto this summer...

Oh that second sock? Well I woke up today realising it was the last day of the month and I needed to get a move on with the foot and the toe, so in between washing and hanging out to dry my two big duvets, and being distracted by the tennis at Wimbledon, I got it done today!  My One Monthly Goal for June has been achieved and I am inordinately pleased that my stripes match so well.

Tuesday, 7 June 2022

A busy patch

Wow! Two months since I last posted, sorry to be so lax on the blog frint.  Since then I have been back to the UK with my elder son and his girlfriend for his graduation ceremony at the University of Swansea.  The weather was wet and windy so photo opportunities were limited, but here he is in his finery:

Looking back at my photos I can see that I managed to finish making some boxers ...

... a quilt top, which is also now marked and pin basted ready for quilting ...

 ... helped my husband make sausages ...

... got my leg on the wrong side of one of these ...

Ouch! But all is OK now.

I also caught and recovered from covid - thank goodness for vaccinations and boosters, did some more knitting ...

... and have more knitting and sewing underway.

I would like to be able to state quilting the black/blue/purple/turquoise quilt as my One Monthly Goal for June, but have to be honest with myself and face up to it being unlikely given work and travel commitments already in place.  So I am making myself a pair of Cozipeds socks out of Knit Picks Felici Worsted as a test piece to see how much yarn they really take before making some more for gifts.  Mine are in the Zen colourway, a soothing range of blues and I am setting completing these (all ends woven in too) as my OMG for June 2022.  Here is the first sock more than halfway done:

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Blue and Yellow

It has been a busy month: 

My version of Bonnie Hunter's Orca Bay is ready to go out for quilting! Started in November 2011, to be completed in 2022, so my OMG was achieved  Most of those little sawtooth triangles for the final pieced border were already cut and I had the perfect neutral fabric for the inner border in my stash, I also added a narrow black border to ensure there was no risk of losing any of my points when I get to sewing on the binding.

I finished my husband's Christmas socks, Christmas 2022, but better late than never.

I caught up on my Stash Busters 2022 blocks - in fact I am very slightly ahead as I know I won't get to sew in the first week or so of April.

I did some snow dyeing too - one of the big pieces will be going off with Orca Bay to become its backing.

So did I start more projects? Yes of course I did. 

My knitting guild hosted their For The Love of Fiber festival so I bought more yarn and started in on a pair of blue and yellow socks (Ukraine colours). This is Youghiogheny Yarns Highland Sock yarn.  Next year's FtLoF will be on Saturday 18th March 2023 at the Ramada in State College PA.


And a Ukraine colours sunflower cushion cover is well under way. The pattern is by Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique.

There are other projects on the back burner too, maybe some will get some progress made on them in April.